Ongoing imprecision in defining the autism spectrum will only impede progress in discovering the causes of the condition.
"The five subtypes of autism in DSM-IV, which included classic autism and Asperger's syndrome, collapsed into one overly broad category of autism spectrum disorder." That led to higher-functioning ...
Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are characterized by impairments in social interaction, communication and behavioral functioning that can affect the health-related quality-of-life outcomes of the ...
Their pediatrician didn't seem worried, but the speech delay persisted. At 2 and a half, Mason was diagnosed with autism. The Connors went on a mission, searching for anything that would help.
Then, a few years ago, she was diagnosed with autism, just after her youngest daughter received the same. More than hot flashes: Women raise awareness about menopause symptoms and work “If your ...
This also means that we do not know as much as is needed about an autistic brain in order to discover the neurological cause(s) of classic autism, although these studies may help us understand the ...