In an unprecedented purge of the military’s senior leadership Friday night, President Donald Trump fired the top US general ...
the chief of the Navy. The removal of the second Black man to serve as America’s most senior general and the first woman to serve on the Joint Chiefs of Staff appears to send a strong signal ...
Trump removed the military's top officer without explanation as the defense secretary purged the Pentagon's top ranks of five ...
Adm. Lisa Franchetti was the first woman to serve as the chief of naval operations and on the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
thanking them for their choice to serve the Navy. CNO Franchetti and her team meet with Purdue leaders, on left from bottom: Karen Plaut, executive vice president for research; Purdue President Mung ...
Military service leaders are telling senators that passing a temporary budget that keeps defense spending largely flat will ...
WASHINGTON — Air Force Gen. Charles “CQ” Brown, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was fired Friday night by President Donald Trump, and Adm. Lisa Franchetti, the chief of naval ...
Lisa Franchetti and Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen ... when the two were seated next to each other for a time at the Army-Navy football game. The firing follows days of speculation ...
Gen. CQ Brown, Jr., Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, greets Adm. Lisa Franchetti, Chief of Naval Operations, prior to the start of the 2024 Army-Navy Game at Northwest Stadium in Landover ...