If you receive an emergency alert on your phone or hear tornado sirens next Wednesday afternoon, Ingham County Emergency Management wants you to know it is just a test.
Phones in our neighborhoods will be sounding off next Wednesday as part of Michigan’s Severe Weather Awareness Week.
Homewood Campus Public Safety will conduct a full-scale simultaneous activation of both the siren/public address system and the Johns Hopkins Rave Alert text messaging system ...
The Cariboo Regional District will be testing its emergency notification system today (March 12). An alert will be sent to ...
Emergency officials advise keeping a weather radio and extra batteries handy, while setting up a smartphone to receive ...
The Emergency Alert System will test its communications systems Tuesday morning to prepare for tornado season.
While East Carolina University students are on spring break next week, campus law enforcement and officials will take the ...
Officials said Friday the sirens in the Leavenworth and Carefree areas are "not working at this time due to mechanical issues ...
Marion County Emergency Management will conduct an additional tornado siren test after a fail during Tuesday's statewide test ...
Law enforcement will be training at the Speight Building on main campus, and signs will be posted nearby to notify people ...