Corruption scandals are not new and officials and top officials have been accused of profiting from their positions for decades. Corruption in Russia is used to encourage some officials, while ...
Popular attitudes towards the use of pardons to get criminals to serve in the military are horrifying to parents of men with no criminal record. The pardoned criminals are seen as unreliable and ...
South Korea has become the seventh nation to use Sea Launched Ballistic Missiles or SLBMs. The second version of the KSS-III submarines featured a number of firsts. They were non-nuclear, the first ...
January 3, 2025: Since the 1980s Iran has spent nearly $20 billion to establish and maintain a presence in Syria and Lebanon. In the last few months of 2024 all that was lost, along with billions of ...
January 4, 2025: Attack an opponent's food supplies and weaken your foe substantially. Since the 19th Century, use of chemical fertilizers, and the ability to mass produce ammonia and nitrogen based ...
January 4, 2025: The USN/U.S. Navy is the most powerful in the world and has been that way for eighty years. That primacy is now threatened by the American inability to maintain an adequate number of ...
January 3, 2025: Many countries and international organizations have urged Israel and their Palestinian neighbors to make peace and establish an independent Palestinian state. None of these proposals ...
January 5, 2025: January 5, 2025: Three years after invading Ukraine, the Russian defense budget has turned into a monster devastating the economy. This crisis has been brewing since Russia invaded ...
January 2, 2025: In 2018 Norway openly complained about Russia deliberately jamming GPS signals in Norway. The jamming was done from a Russian military base in the Kola Peninsula on the Barents Sea, ...
December 27, 2024: Over the last twenty years the U.S. Marine Corps has created new special operations units or converted older ones. At the heart of this is Marine Special Operations Command or ...